
KingSong Seat Add-on for Electric Unicycle 16X / 18L /18XL

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King Song Cushion Seat Add on provides a great option to convert your 18L / 18XL into sit on ride-able EUC. Easy to install and remove.
On Sale


C$79.00 - C$149.00




King Song Cushion Seat Add on provides a great option to convert your 18L / 18XL into sit on ride-able EUC. Easy to install and remove.

1 Review

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  • 5
    Good seat for good peice

    It have one problem - not sitting tide on the place, it's a little wobbly, but it only one minus, otherwise is very nice and soft.

1 Review

  • 5
    Good seat for good peice

    It have one problem - not sitting tide on the place, it's a little wobbly, but it only one minus, otherwise is very nice and soft.

Frequently Bought Together:

Kingsong KingSong Seat Add-on for Electric Unicycle 16X / 18L /18XL
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The KingSong seat add on for 18L / 18XL /16X, allows you to sit on the EUC while riding. Its easy to install and design for comfort with high quality foam material.


Parts Warranty: 90 Days
Due to Nature of the parts, if parts are not used, installed of used according to manufacturers manual, warranty will void. Returns are only acceptable if parts are unused.
Authorized Warranty and Support Contact:
Smart Wheel Canada
Call 1.888.407.4997 option 3
Warranty Limitations / Exclusion: 
Damage to the product from misuse and/or neglect, accidental damage, water/liquid damage, salt damage or from not adhering to the instructions in the Owner's Manual. Damage caused by exceeding maximum weight, attempting tricks or running into obstacles like curbs or walls, water or liquid damage or submerges into the water. Improper or invalid documentation, including but not limited to lack of a warranty sheet, original invoice or discrepancies on the invoice.